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Twitter follow notifications for Telegram groups

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How does it work?

Whenever someone follows your Twitter account, Spybox will send a notification message, letting the whole community know about your new follower!

How it looks:

Account that followed your Twitter account

Your Twitter account

Number of people following the account

Account that followed your Twitter account

Your Twitter account

Number of people following the account

Installation guide

Watch the following video guide to setup Spybox to your own group

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Telegram groups
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Have additional inquiries? Feel free to join our Telegram group and ask away!

When you add Spybox Groups Bot to your Telegram group and enable tracking for your twitter account, you’ll begin receiving new twitter follow notifications within your Telegram group.

Get people talking in your chat when a big account follows you, it’s like a nod of approval, making everyone in your group more excited and trustworthy.


Join forces with your community If a big account follows you, your community can raid them and show show some love back to them.

1. Invite @SpyboxGroupsBot to your Telegram group.

2. Grant admin rights to the bot.

3. In your group chat, simply type /track TwitterUsername to start receiving follow alerts.

For instance: /track PepeCoin

4. Customize your preferences by setting a minimum follower count for follow alerts using /followers Number.

For instance: /followers 100